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Small business owners/Directors, working by themselves or just employing one other person can find Payroll and accountancy costs, eye wateringly expensive – so Michelle at Quickpaye has created a Payroll plan for such a business.

The plan includes:

  • Payroll with NO MONTHLY CHANGES and NO pension for one or two people will be charged annually @ £300 for up to two people (If any pension there will be a small additional charge)

  • Straightforward personal tax returns @  £140

  • Small business bookkeeping packages start from £100 per month depending on volume. If extremely small business then quarterly bookkeeping can be an option. (with all bookkeeping Quickpaye need to assess first before pricing accurately)

If you would like to find out your annual costs please email Michelle Bourne

Year End Payroll. Are you Struggling?

Year End Payroll. Are you Struggling?

The end of the year is now approaching fast! Have you done your P60’s? Have you made your final submission to HMRC?

Have you informed your staff about the mandatory increase to Auto Enrolment Pension contributions?

Here at Quickpaye we have everything in hand.  We are here to help you, don’t struggle anymore!

Just call us or email us and the next Year End will be a breeze!  You will not have to do anything except our email informing you that everything has been taken of and all the relative forms have been done and submitted.

Wouldn’t that be nice?
Salary sacrifice crackdown will hit half a million company car drivers

Salary sacrifice crackdown will hit half a million company car drivers

Over half a million company car drivers face increased tax bills under a proposed crackdown on valuable perks by the Treasury.

Salary sacrifice schemes allow employees to exchange some of their taxable pay for benefits, such as company cars and phones. It cuts down the employees tax and National Insurance bill each month, and employers end up paying less National Insurance for the employee.

The proposed rules could come in to play as soon as April 2017. Under the proposed new plans, workers would be taxed on the full amount of salary sacrificed, meaning there would be little point in having a salary sacrifice scheme in place.

Only a few benefits will be excluded from the plan, notably pensions saving, childcare and cycling safety equipment.

The crackdown will also include other benefits, such as gym memberships and car parking spaces.

The Treasury said that the proposal does not prevent employers from providing benefits in kind to their employees through salary sacrifice, but it will remove the tax and NICs advantages that come from doing so.